Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blessed are the war mongers?

Alright, I wasn't going to chime in on the whole death of Osama Bin Laden.  Frankly, it shouldn't be such a big issue.  Last week we had to endure the distraction of a 'Royal Wedding', now the execution of Bin Laden and the ensuing fallout. Give me a break!  Don't we have bigger issues in America?  But I have heard so many opinions the last few days, I have to express mine! Why do so many believe EVERYTHING the media puts out there?   Some that know me, I mean REALLY know me know my feelings on 9/11. To be clear, I support our men and women in uniform.  I support protecting our freedom, not using our military to protect corporate interests.  I didn't want to risk being 'inflammatory' so, I didn't post my comments in a forum that I don't control.  Nor did I post them where people don't have a choice whether to read them or not.  NOBODY is forced to read the following post.  If you are offended by free speech and don't have an open mind, to other people's OPINIONS, turn back now.  DON'T READ THIS BLOG POSTING! 

I don't even know where to start with this whole mess.  Will there be any closure from the killing of Bin Laden?  Does it bring back ONE person who died on 9/11?  Was JUSTICE even served? 
Dear friends, never avenge yourselves. Leave that to God. For it is written, "I will take vengeance; I will repay those who deserve it," says the Lord.  - Romans 12:19

Let's stop and think about how this looks to the rest of the world.  We are such hypocrites!  Our government tortured HUMAN beings to get the information that lead to Bin Laden.  Did you hear me?  TORTURE!  That does not sit well with me.  (Oh, yes, the media says it was 'traced cellphone' call, right.)  Our government hid behind excuses, they were detainees, terrorist, non citizens, criminals, enemy combatants.  The White House legal council, said that these detainees were not citizens, and thus were not protected under our Constitution.  They were denied due process, a lawyer, a phone call and worse they were denied compassion that Jesus commanded us to show our enemies.  

George W. Bush even said "The United States doesn't torture",  I  guess he learned something from Bill Clinton. Chose your words carefully enough, hide the truth and make it sound like you're not a liar.  As a matter of semantics, 'technically,  he was telling the truth. The United States didn't torture these guys, our government hired THUGS to do it for us. 

These 'enemy combatants' were treated as less than human.  I have no idea if these guys were guilty, they were denied due process and a trial.  What kind of answers do you think you get from someone being tortured?  You guessed it, the ones you want to hear. So eventually, after almost 10 years, they got some 'useful' information.  What about the information that lead NOWHERE?

Some may call the USA a 'Christian' nation.  Some call for God to Bless America.  Why should He?  I searched the scriptures, nowhere did I find a blessing for war mongers.  Nor were there blessing promised for those who took vengeance into their own hands.  Blessing for a person or nation comes through OBEDIENCE to God's Word. Blessings are reserved for the PEACE makers.

"If you fully obey the LORD your God by keeping all the commands I am giving you today, the LORD your God will exalt you above all the nations of the world.  You will experience all these blessings if you obey the LORD your God" - Deuteronomy 28:1-2

Let's talk of peace,
Sounds so cliche
A novelty, catch phrase of the day
Middle, index,
Sign of the time
Just as complex,
As water to...

Someone said give peace a chance
And, that's all that we're saying
While we're sitting on the fence
Our hearts are in the right place
But, your face
Shows a trace of,

Don't tread on me,
Now you can see


Let's not pretend,
to justify
Rather amend,
Where treasures lie
Straight through the heart,
Peace can be found
That's where you start,
Not all around

Someone said give peace a chance
And, that's all that we're saying
While we're sitting on the fence
Our hearts are in the right place
But, your face
Shows a trace of,

Don't tread on me, boy
Now you can see
- Rest in Peace by Extreme from the album III Sides to Every Story

God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God. - Jesus Christ
Should we be happy that Bin Laden is dead?  Will we sleep any better tonight?  I will sleep no different, I rest in the peace that comes from knowing God.

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:7, 6
Its not just knowing about Him, but a personal relationship with Him through His son Jesus Christ.  Do you have this security?

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